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Tessar / Heresson - Arkona Лирицс транслатион то енглисх




The others flow in the honours of poems,
Oh island of height of the island of the wound!
While you’re covered with the gloom of history,
Please receive this gift for you.

I don’t see on the cape the snow cover
That adorns the tops of Himalayas2
What, oh Ark,3 do you find in the sky’s order
Intruding at the same time into the sea?4

And what did you search for, oh star of the north,
Whereto did you stretch your dead hands,
Wherefrom did you wait for help, oh stupid,
When you heard that the island’s sinking?

And when you heard the choral singing of the monastery
Repeated in each home,5
Did you still believe that your faith will help you?
Whom did you cry your complaints to, oh Niobe?6

When the language, the customs, were fading out in the memory,7
And there were no new ones in [your] old womb,
The busy people didn’t want to remember,
Did you feel the sanctuary8 is still burning?
  • 1. Arkona is the northernmost cape and a hill on the East German island of Rügen. Today it’s a deserted place, but a thousand year ago it was one of the most important political, religious and commercial centres of Polabian Slavs, who inhabited the entire eastern Germany between Elbe and Oder/Odra and further, and stubbornly resisted German rule and Christianity. Even Berlin, the capital of Germany today, is not a German name, but Polabian Slavic. Today only (nearly extinct) Lusatian Sorbs remain from Polabian Slavs. The northern groups were closely related to Poles. Arkona was the capital of Rügen, then known as Rana (The Wound). It housed the most important (after the fall of Radogoszcz) pagan sanctuary in the Polabian region, it was also an important trading centre. Arkona was the last stronghold of native Slavic religion, until it was forced in 1168, after a siege led by Danes and Pomeranians, to destroy the pagan temple and convert to Christianity. Later Arkona was abandoned, and most of it fell into the sea.
  • 2. Himalayas, the highest mountains of the world, between China and India.
  • 3. Ark refers both to the Ark of the Covenant, where ancient Hebrews used to store the Tablets of the Law (because Arkona was the most sacred place for Polabian Slavs after the fall of Rethra, and because its name is similar), and to the Noah’s Ark, because Arkona was part of the island flowing in the Baltic sea, whose inhabitants were the last ones hoping to save from the forced Christianisation.
  • 4. Arkona was a hill at high cliff, and at the same time it was a cape protruding into the Baltic sea, the northernmost point of the Polabian Slavs.
  • 5. It refers to the Christianisation of the island
  • 6. Niobe was the mythological Greek queen of Thebes. She had seven sons and seven daughters and, conceited, she believed herself to be better than “the mother of the Gods”, Leto, who only had two children. Leto complained to her children, Apollo (the god of art and bow) and Artemis (the goddess of the hunt), who killed with their arrows all the children of Niobe, while she was helplessly watching. She was then turned into stone, and her husband committed suicide. She is a symbol of a grieving mother.
  • 7. It refers to Germanification and Christianisation of the island.
  • 8. The last great pagan temple of Polabian Slavs


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Ovoga puta

Click to see the original lyrics (Greek)

Ovoga puta nemam tolerancije,
Nemas vise uticaja na mene,
Ako trazis samo nesto da se desi,
Hiljade reci postaju tisina.

Ovoga puta rusim sve zidove,
I gradim mostove ako to zelis za nas,
Ovoga puta, ne zelim jos jednu laz,
Pre nego sto budemo jedno, nauci da volis.

Ovoga puta rusim sve zidove,
I gradim mostove ako to zelis za nas,
Ovoga puta, ne zelim jos jednu laz,
Pre nego sto budemo jedno, nauci da volis.

Vreme prolazi, a greske se broje,
Ali zelim da znam sta mi srce zeli,
Ako zelis, dodji, ne odbijaj me,
Budi blizu mene i nemoj ponovo nestati.

Ovoga puta rusim sve zidove,
I gradim mostove ako to zelis za nas,
Ovoga puta, ne zelim jos jednu laz,
Pre nego sto budemo jedno, nauci da volis.

Ovoga puta rusim sve zidove,
I gradim mostove ako to zelis za nas,
Ovoga puta, ne zelim jos jednu laz,
Pre nego sto budemo jedno, nauci da volis.

Ovoga puta rusim sve zidove,
I gradim mostove ako to zelis za nas,
Ovoga puta, ne zelim jos jednu laz,
Pre nego sto budemo jedno, nauci da volis.

Pre nego sto budemo jedno, nauci da volis.
Pre nego sto budemo jedno, nauci da volis.

Trajalo je kratko

Click to see the original lyrics (Greek)

Trajalo je kratko, tako kratko,
Ali ne krijem od tebe da sam osetila mnogo,
Bilo je kratko, privremeno, vidis,
A jednim uzdahom brojala sam momente.

Trajalo je kratko, ali si me zapalio,
Ne napustam te ako to ne zelis,
Bila je to greska, ali ako zelis,
Ponovicu je jos hiljadu puta.

I pamticu celoga zivota,
Tvoj miris i tvoje poljupce,
I pamticu, da sam nasla,
U tvom pogledu sve ono sto trazim.

Pamticu sve to,
To sam potajno i osecala,
Ne poznajem te, ali ovo znam,
Bilo je kratko, ali predobro.

Bilo je kratko, ali svaki minut nas,
Prozivljavam opet u svojim mislima,
Bilo je pogresno, ali takvih gresaka,
Secacu se narednih hiljade i dva zivota.

I pamticu celoga zivota,
Tvoj miris i tvoje poljupce,
I pamticu, da sam nasla,
U tvom pogledu sve ono sto trazim.

Pamticu sve to,
To sam potajno i osecala,
Ne poznajem te, ali ovo znam,
Bilo je kratko, ali predobro.


Βάλαμε ένα λύκο να φυλάει τα πρόβατα
σ' ένα άσπρο σπίτι να μη λέμε ονόματα
κάποια προβατάκια πολεμούν μοναχά τους
πολεμούν τον λύκο που μπήκε στο κοπάδι τους.

Πρόβατα ξυπνάτε η σειρά μας έρχεται
κι εσείς τσομπανάκια βρε άιντε να κουρεύεστε
πρόβατα ξυπνάτε πιάστε τα υψώματα
λύκοι θα υπάρχουν όσο θα υπάρχουν πρόβατα.

Ήταν μια αρκούδα που το λύκο φύλαγε,
φύλαγε το λύκο που τη παραφύλαγε.
Λύκε η αρκούδα δεν είναι ακίνδυνη
τώρα πληγωμένη είναι επικίνδυνη.

Πρόβατα ξυπνάτε η σειρά μας έρχεται
κι εσείς τσομπανάκια βρε άιντε να κουρεύεστε
πρόβατα ξυπνάτε πιάστε τα υψώματα
λύκοι δε θα υπάρχουν αν δεν υπάρχουν πρόβατα.

I ja sam čovek

Click to see the original lyrics (Turkish)

Tanke su niti koje me vezuju za život
Dani sreće
opet ostaju za sutra
Tanke su niti koje me vezuju za život
Dani sreće
opet ostaju za sutra

I ja imam dušu, i ja sam čovek moje strpljenje ima granice
Na kraju i ja ću poludeti

Tanke su niti koje me vezuju za život
Dani sreće
opet ostaju za sutra
Čak bi mi i mala vatra
zagrejala kosti
Ne ućutkuj moju radost,
moje želje ljudske

I ja imam dušu, i ja sam čovek moje strpljenje ima granice
Na kraju i ja ću poludeti

Grešio sam i sad se kajem
Osvetom sam uvredio
svoje čisto srce

I ja imam dušu, i ja sam čovek moje strpljenje ima granice
Na kraju i ja ću poludeti
I ja imam dušu, i ja sam čovek moje strpljenje ima granice
Na kraju i ja ću poludeti
Grešio sam i sad se kajem...